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Ways & Means Podcast Wins Award for International Series

The Ways & Means podcast produced by the Duke Sanford School of Public Policy has received a 2019 Award of Excellence from CASE, an international association of educational institutions. The award recognizes the podcast’s miniseries, New Ideas for Policy in the Developing World.

Much of the series was recorded on location in India and Kenya. Episodes include:

Slum Detectives: – How researchers are using Google Earth to find the undocumented slums of India. (Bangalore, India.)

Robots, WikiLeaks and the Fight Against Human Trafficking – There’s evidence that diplomacy and public shaming are helping shine a light on a problem that depends on secrecy to survive: human trafficking.

Childbirth, Babies & Bonuses – New research on how providing incentives for doctors in the developing world might help more women survive childbirth. (Malur, India.)

Life After Loss for Orphans in Africa – A research team is testing a novel new approach to helping orphans in Kenya get mental healthcare. (Bungoma, Kenya.)

“It’s gratifying to receive recognition for our podcast,” said Carol Jackson, lead producer for Ways & Means. “Sanford faculty are doing fascinating, policy-relevant research in many areas around the globe, and the podcast allows us to bring listeners along on their journeys.”

Listen to the series on this Soundcloud playlist.

The series was supported by the Josiah Charles Trent Memorial Foundation Endowment Fund.