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S8E7 Climate Migration: Why People Leave and What Might Help Them Stay

In this episode of Ways & Means: the hidden role that climate plays in the story of migration. How a changing climate is driving thousands of people to enter the U.S. each year. And how relatively small, inexpensive changes on the ground could make a difference with a daunting geopolitical problem.

This is the seventh episode in our “Climate Change Solutions” series, where we look at research-based ideas to help cool a rapidly heating planet.


  • “Marisol” (pseudonym), Guatemala
  • Marcos, Guatemala



Thank you

  • Reporting from Guatemala was provided by Juan Carlos Narvaez Gutierrez, with help from Nayeli Garci-Crespo in Mexico City and research assistant Daniela Armenta Hernández.
  • Elly Goetz and Elias Santos helped with reporting from Honduras.
  • Duke staffer Asa Royal and Ways & Means producers Carol Jackson and Marc Maximov voiced translations
  • Duke student Joy Liu designed the artwork for the season.

Season 8 of Ways & Means is made possible thanks to support from the Office of the Provost at Duke University. Find out more about the Duke Climate Commitment.