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Ways & Means Podcast Dedicates Season Five to Issues in Politics

The Sanford School relaunches Season 5 of its award-winning documentary podcast, Ways & Means, on Thursday, August 20. The season is dedicated to issues in U.S. politics and civic life and hot topics in the 2020 elections. The season originally premiered in the spring of 2020, but was put on hold due to the coronavirus.

The new season is made possible by our sponsor, Polis: Center for Politics. Established at Sanford in 2015, Polis prepares future political leaders and fosters innovative scholarship related to the pressing political issues of our time.

“Polis is happy to be able to support the terrific research-based storytelling on Ways & Means,” said Deondra Rose, research director of Polis. “I  had the privilege of having my research featured in a Season 3 episode titled “How Sputnik Sent Women to College,”  and it was truly one of the most powerful showcases that I’ve had for my research.

Series topics include:

Ways & Means is a production of Duke University’s Sanford School of Public Policy, produced by Sanford’s Carol Jackson, Alison Jones of Duke University Communications and independent producer Karen Kemp. It is hosted by Emily Hanford, senior correspondent for APM Reports, who has more than two decades of experience as a reporter, producer, editor and program host.

In 2019, the Ways & Means podcast won the top award for university podcasts from CASE, the Council for Advancement and Support of Education.

Find Ways & Means on Apple Podcasts, NPR One, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play or at https//